Sunday, September 19, 2010

Saturday Fun

Let me begin by telling you that there is nothing I love better than waking up before everyone else in my family and have a quiet house! Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but there is something so peaceful about my house when it is just me and my dog sitting on the couch. I normally try to keep the TV off and study.

Saturday morning I woke up and took the dog out and the incredible fall like morning made me want to dance on the sidewalk. Oh how I love fall. I just love to wake up and the mornings be chilly. I will normally grab a book and my coffee and head to the deck. Even outside the noises are to a minimum. I will either sit at my table or lay in the hammock and just ponder life, drink coffee and read a little. Most of the time I watch the clouds and ponder life more than I read, but I solve so many problems on the back of my deck. On Saturday, my stomach had butterflies flying all around. I was so looking forward to attending a Beth Moore Simulcast. It is always so exciting to me to see what new journey Christ will set me on or if He will continue the current theme he has for my life. Sometimes he really blows me away and deals with something that happened the past week, past day or even the current day. 

D woke up extremely early for him and he wasn't happy. We are so different in so many ways, but his idea of a perfect Saturday would be to sleep until 10:00 a.m., get ready to go eat lunch by 11:30 a.m., then go to a movie or something, come home take a nap and then be ready to leave for church at 6:30 p.m. When something wakes him up before 8:00 a.m. it just puts a kink in his whole day. So Saturday morning when I hear footsteps on the stairs at 7:48 a.m. I was surprised, to say the least.

Now, I will admit, this was my quiet time for crying out loud, but since my family was so sweet to agree to let me be gone another Saturday, I couldn't and wouldn't do anything but  put my stuff down and visit. Well he wasn't really up for the visiting part too much, UNLESS, I began to read and then he would have lots to say. I would put down my reading and listen and he would stop talking. This went on the whole time :)

D and V were both actually really looking forward to spending time together. They ended up hanging out at Turkey Creek most of the day, but both of them had a great time. They both are always so sweet to think about me while I am away from them. They always buy me just a little surprise to make me feel special. Yesterday I received  wonderful smelling hand sanitizer from Bath and Body.

Once I got home and we all caught up on our day, we met some wonderful friends for dinner. It is so nice to get to visit friends. Even V was thrilled because they had free wi-fi at the restaurant. When we finally got home we all were exhausted and just hung out and did our own things.

I don't think there is much better than a beautiful Saturday!

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